Transmission Parameters
Transmit Frequency
Unit | Min | Max |
Hz | 0 | 3,000,000 |
The frequency in Hz that the transmitter will operate at when full power transmission commences. This can range from a few Hz all the way to a few MHz, however it's recommended to stay within 50-500kHz.
Transmit Duty Cycle
In future this will be made to change dynamically during charge based on changing power requirements of the receiver.
Unit | Min | Max |
% | 5 | 50 |
The PWM duty cycle that the transmitter will operate at when full power transmission commences. Used to control the power throughput of the device. Ranges from 0-50, where 50 is equivalent to 100% power.
Detection Parameters
The two stages of activation detection are the Beacon stage and the Handshake stage. During the beacon stage the transmitter sends out short pulses at near resonant frequency to detect the presence of any metallic object. If a metallic object is present, it then attempts to perform the handshake. If the handshake is successful it will then begin to transmit fully. If unsuccessful that means that it has detected a foreign object and it will not begin to transmit.
Beacon Frequency
Unit | Min | Max |
Hz | 0 | 3,000,000 |
The frequency at which the beacon pulses will be performed. Detection works best when this is close to the resonant frequency.
Beacon Duty Cycle
Unit | Min | Max |
% | 5 | 50 |
The duty cycle at which the beacon pulses will be performed. Current can be extremely high when operating near resonant so it is best to use a low value here. Typically 5-10%.
Beacon Period
Unit | Min | Max |
mS | 10 | 4,294,967,296 |
Time between each beacon pulse in mS. Typically 100-500mS. A shorter time between pulses results in quicker activation detection once the receiver is placed on the transmitter. A shorter time also results in elevated idle power consumption.
Beacon Thresh Low
Unit | Min | Max |
- | 0 | 4096 |
Lower current based threshold value to define what is considered an object that might be powered.
Beacon Thresh High
Unit | Min | Max |
- | 0 | 4096 |
Upper current based threshold value to define what is considered an object that might be powered.
Handshake Frequency
Unit | Min | Max |
- | 0 | 4096 |
The frequency at which the handshake will be performed. Typically this works best near to the transmitting frequency.
Handshake Duty Cycle
Unit | Min | Max |
- | 0 | 4096 |
The duty cycle at which the handshake will be performed. Typically 10-20%.
Handshake Thresh Low
Unit | Min | Max |
- | 0 | 4096 |
Lower current based modulation amplitude threshold value to define what is considered a valid receiver that can be powered.
Handshake Thresh High
Unit | Min | Max |
- | 0 | 4096 |
Upper current based modulation amplitude threshold value to define what is considered a valid receiver that can be powered.
Turn off Timeout
Unit | Min | Max |
mS | 0 | 10,000 |
How long the transmitter will continue to transmit without receiving any communications from a receiver. The transmitter considers the receiver to be removed if this time is exceeded and will return to Beacon mode.
Temperatures are in tenths of a degree. i.e. a value of 350 is equivalent to 35 degrees celsius.
Use Coil NTC
Check this box if the coil thermistor is attached. If not, ensure this box is unchecked or else the transmitter may not turn on.
Coil Temp Cutoff
When this temperature is reached at the coil NTC transmitting will stop.
Coil Temp Cool
After overtemperature is triggered by the coil temperature, the system will wait for the coil to cool below this temperature before allowing it to turn back on.
Power Stage Temp Cutoff
When this temperature is reached at the power stage NTC transmitting will stop.
Power Stage Temp Cool
After overtemperature is triggered by the power stage temperature, the system will wait for the power stage to cool below this temperature before allowing it to turn back on.
Overvoltage Cutoff
If the input voltage is above this value, the transmitter will not transmit.
Overcurrent Cutoff
If the current goes above this value, the transmitter will return to Beacon Mode.
Regulator Settings
Regulator Mode
The regulator mode can be set to constant voltage, constant current or battery charge.
Regulator Voltage
Unit | Min | Max |
mV | 0 | 30000 |
When the regulator mode is set to constant voltage, this determines the target output voltage.
Regulator Current
Unit | Min | Max |
mA | 0 | 6600 |
When the regulator mode is set to constant current, this determines the target output current.
Regulator Min Duty
Unit | Min | Max |
% | 1 | 97 |
The minimum duty cycle that the regulator is allowed to go down to. Typically set to 1%.
Regulator Max Duty
Unit | Min | Max |
% | 1 | 97 |
The maximum duty cycle that the regulator is allowed to go up to. Typically set to 90-94%.
Regulator Start Duty
Unit | Min | Max |
% | 1 | 97 |
The initial duty cycle the regulator will start at.
Regulator frequency
Unit | Min | Max |
Hz | 0 | 3,000,000 |
The frequency that the regulator will operate at. Typically 500kHz - 1mHz. Lower frequencies are more efficient but also have more ripple on the output that can sometimes interfere with communications.
Battery Charging
Battery Precharge Current
The current at which it will charge a battery when in precharge mode. Typically 10% of max current.
Battery Precharge Threshold
If the battery is below this voltage, it will do precharge mode first. Typically 3.2V for lithium ion / polymer.
Battery Max Current
The maximum allowed charge current into the battery.
Battery Max Voltage
The maximum allowed voltage applied to the battery terminals. 4.2V for standard lithium ion / polymer.
Battery Full Current
The charge current at which the battery is considered full. Typically 3-5% of max current.